Elephant Gas Masks

Tom Banwell Creates Stylish Steampunked Masks With Trunks

Tom Banwell has created an odd gas mask you probably couldn’t ever wear anywhere, but hopefully you’ll just never need to wear a gas mask. The steampunked elephant mask combines old materials and an old gas mask to create a big-eared and long-nosed elephant.

The Thomas Banwell design is a fun take on an otherwise standard gas mask with a cool steampunked style. While it’s kinda freaky, it seems kind of cool, take a look!
Trend Themes
1. Steampunk Fashion - Opportunity to innovate unique designs within the growing subculture of steampunk fashion.
2. Retrofuturism - Possibility to create new technology with a vintage aesthetic, combining nostalgia with modern innovation.
3. Eco-friendly Fashion - Potential to create environmentally conscious masks and other accessories using sustainable materials.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Industry can explore steampunk fashion and the retrofuturistic aesthetic in their designs.
2. Technology - Companies can incorporate the vintage aesthetic into new technological designs, creating a unique visual experience.
3. Sustainable Fashion - The fashion industry can utilize eco-friendly materials and create products with minimal environmental impact.

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