16-Bit Gamer Rage Videos

Retro Ops II Shows the Frustration of Playing Call of Duty in 2D Form

Anyone who has spent time in the online labyrinth of competitive online shooters has likely come down with a case of gamer rage.

As the most popular multi-player shooter on the market, Call of Duty is no stranger to bouts of gamer rage. From getting your kills stolen, to lagging Internet connections, to getting easily killed over and over again by very skilled competition, it can be a jungle on the Call of Duty servers.

Fortunately, that gamer rage can be hilariously and creatively channeled in fun ways as YouTube user rabbodirect65 has replicated those moments in adorably funny 16-Bit graphics. Sure, there weren't any competitive online shooters on the Super Nintendo like there are on modern consoles, but I imagine if there was it would look a whole lot like this.
Trend Themes
1. Gamer Rage Parodies - Using humor to redirect frustrating gamer behavior towards shareable entertainment.
2. Retro-inspired Games - Leveraging nostalgia and creating modern applications for classic video game graphics and mechanics.
3. User-created Gaming Content - Recognizing and fostering the growing audience and potential revenue streams of gaming-related online content creation.
Industry Implications
1. Gaming - Creating new platforms, games, and opportunities that leverage the highly-engaged and active gamer community.
2. Entertainment - Enabling humor and escapism through engaging content, especially using the visual grammar of retro gaming graphics.
3. Social Media - Tapping into the audience demand for shareable, entertaining, and on-demand content.

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