Seductive Office Wear Editorials

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The Galore Magazine January 2014 Photoshoot Stars Allie Crandell

The looks featured throughout the Galore Magazine January 2014 online editorial might have a business feel about them, but they are a bit more racy that a woman would normally expect of office wear. Unless adopting a sexy secretary or femme fatale personality at work, these outfits may want to be tamed for everyday occasions.

Yet the curvaceous and revealing pieces in the Galore Magazine January 2014 online editorial will surely gain a lot of attention for the publication. Shot in studio by photographer Elias Tahan, the photoshoot stars model Allie Crandell. The brunette beauty is clad in a wardrobe of sharp suits and lingerie put together by stylist Kyle Edward Blackmon.

Big hair and full makeup perfect the looks in the Galore Magazine January 2014 online editorial.
Trend Themes
1. Sensual Office Wear - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a line of office wear that combines sensuality with professionalism, allowing women to feel confident and empowered in the workplace.
2. Racy Fashion Editorials - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a digital platform that showcases provocative fashion editorials, catering to a niche market seeking bold and boundary-pushing styles.
3. Empowering Lingerie - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design lingerie that embraces both sexuality and empowerment, challenging traditional notions of undergarments and promoting body positivity.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce sustainable and ethical fashion practices within the industry, aligning with the growing demand for environmentally conscious clothing.
2. Publishing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a digital magazine platform that specializes in unconventional fashion editorials, catering to a diverse audience seeking unique and boundary-pushing content.
3. Lingerie - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a lingerie brand that focuses on inclusivity, catering to a wide range of body sizes and shapes to promote body positivity and self-acceptance.

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