Artifical Mushroom Desserts

Fungi Mutarium Recycles Wasted Plastic and Creates Edible Treats

Fungi Mutarium is the latest invention from Austrian designer, Katharina Unger. Unger uses cultivated edible fungi that digests plastic as it grows, allowing one to safely digest and consume recycled plastic. The Fungi Mutarium incubator was created as a prototype to grow the edible fungi around the plastic, breaking down and digesting the material as it develops. The Oyster Mushroom is the fungi in question.

As the fungus grows in thread-like structures, this allows the waste to be filtered out from the soon-to-be dessert. It can take up to several months before the fungi digests the plastic, so there is a significant amount of time before you chomp down on one of these delicious dessert appetizers.
Trend Themes
1. Plastic Digesting Fungi - The development of fungi that can digest plastic presents a disruptive innovation opportunity for waste management and environmental sustainability.
2. Edible Recycled Plastic - Creating edible treats from recycled plastic opens up possibilities for new food products and sustainable packaging solutions.
3. Fungi-based Food Tech - The use of fungi in food technology for creating unique and sustainable food products is an area of potential disruptive innovation.
Industry Implications
1. Waste Management - The ability of fungi to digest plastic presents new opportunities in waste management by offering a natural and efficient method for plastic degradation.
2. Food and Beverage - The creation of edible treats from recycled plastic introduces a new segment in the food and beverage industry that caters to sustainability-conscious consumers.
3. Packaging - The development of edible packaging solutions using plastic-digesting fungi can revolutionize the packaging industry by reducing environmental impact and promoting circular economy.

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