Square Egg Cakes

The Fried Egg Cake is a Deceptive Take on a Classic German Treat

If you are the kind of person who wants to eat dessert at every meal including breakfast, this fried egg cake is the ideal morning meal for you. Created by the food blog Sprinkle Bakes, the German Fried Egg Cake (also known as spiegeleierkuchen) is an adapted version that incorporates a King Arthur Flour white cake recipe.

While it might not be the most authentic spiegeleierkuchen you've ever had, the dish will certainly satiate your sweet tooth. The vanilla-pudding topped baked good only looks like a fried egg and features a "yolk" made out of halved apricots. To make the lemon-scented cake even more realistic looking as a fried egg, you can add ground vanilla bean powder or poppy powder as black pepper and serve with a side of applewood bacon shortbread cookies.
Trend Themes
1. Deceptive Cakes - There is a growing trend of creating deceptive and visually exciting cake designs that are taking over social media and are increasing in popularity online.
2. Incorporating Fruit - Fruit is being incorporated into a wider range of baked goods to create unique and interesting flavors and appearances like in the fried egg cake.
3. Bacon-flavored Desserts - A growing trend in dessert flavors is incorporating the smoky and savory tastes of bacon into traditionally sweet treats like applewood bacon shortbread cookies.
Industry Implications
1. Bakery - The bakery industry could incorporate deceptive cake designs to create unique and interesting products that appeal to customers looking for visually exciting desserts.
2. Fruit Growers - Fruit growers could work with bakeries to promote the use of fruit in baked goods as a way to create unique and interesting flavors and bring attention to their products.
3. Meat Producers - Meat producers could experiment with creating bacon-flavored products beyond traditional breakfast items to appeal to consumers looking for interesting and unique savory dessert options.

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