Urban Basketball Innovations

Freestyle Horse

Horse is a style of basketball that matches opponents shot for shot until the loser spells out HORSE. This video shows youths making incredible shots out on the street through dumpsters, over cars, into garbage cans, down stairs, and over bus stops. Not only are these incredible shots, and a new innovation on the classic game, but I also see the potential for this video being integrated into an ad campaign for a footwear or athletic clothing line.
Trend Themes
1. Freestyle Basketball Shots - Opportunity to create new game formats and challenges for urban basketball enthusiasts.
2. Innovative Advertising Campaigns - Using viral videos and street basketball to promote athletic clothing and footwear brands.
3. Out-of-the-box Urban Sports - Exploring unconventional settings and equipment to push the boundaries of urban sports.
Industry Implications
1. Athletic Clothing - Creating products that cater to the unique needs and fashion preferences of urban basketball players.
2. Footwear - Designing sneakers specifically engineered for the jumps, landings, and agility required in freestyle basketball.
3. Sports Marketing - Promoting brands by capitalizing on viral videos and targeting street basketball communities.

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