Rainy Day Giveaways

'Here You Go' Project Hands Out Free Umbrellas & Encourages Kind Acts

Pittsburgh's 'Here You Go' gives out umbrellas on rainy days and asks umbrella recipients to pay it forward by giving out their own kind acts. The free umbrella project has a staff of 50 volunteers whose job it is to commit random acts of kindness on rainy days by giving away umbrellas.

Waterproof postcards attached to each umbrella encourage recipients to do something kind for someone else and record the act on the card before mailing it back to the Here You Go organization.
Trend Themes
1. Random Acts of Kindness - Businesses can encourage customers to commit random acts of kindness by offering incentives, discounts or charitable donations which can significantly impact customer loyalty and retention
2. Free Samples - Giveaways and free samples can help businesses create positive interactions with customers which can be leveraged as good marketing materials
3. Pay-it-forward Concept - The pay-it-forward concept can be implemented by businesses to create a positive brand image and generate customer loyalty
Industry Implications
1. Charitable Organizations - Charitable organizations can leverage this pay-it-forward concept by asking donors to commit a random act of kindness in return for donations
2. Retail Industry - Retail businesses can provide free samples and small giveaways to customers as a means of creating goodwill and promoting sales
3. Hospitality Industry - Hotels can offer free amenities, such as umbrellas and toiletries, to guests as a way of providing extra value and enhancing their experience

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