Woven Patriotic Placemats

These DIY Placemats are an Easy to Follow Fourth of July Craft

If you’re looking for a DIY Fourth of July craft to do at home, this fun placemat tutorial is a great way to turn some colored paper into a weaved eating mat.

Do you remember in grade school during art class when teachers would ask you to weave different pieces of colored paper to create a wonderful work of art? Well those skills you learned back then will definitely come in handy for this tutorial. To keep this placemat explicitly American-themed for the Fourth of July, choose various shades of blue, white and red papers. Cut the paper into various strips varying the sizes so that your placemat will have an art deco look to it. Then arrange several strips of paper together and begin weaving the rest of the paper strips over and under.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Patriotic Crafts - Opportunity to create more crafting ideas for patriotic celebrations
2. Weaving Revival - Opportunity to introduce weaving as a trendy hobby or activity for all ages
3. Sustainable Crafting - Opportunity to promote the use of sustainable materials in crafting
Industry Implications
1. Arts and Crafts - Industry that can benefit from the promotion of weaving as a hobby and the development of new crafting ideas
2. Home Decor - Industry that can cater to the demand for patriotic decor and cater to those looking to DIY their own decor items
3. Paper and Stationery - Industry that can promote the use of sustainable materials in crafting and offer a wider variety of eco-friendly products

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