Forecasting Micro-Generations

Trend Hunter's Innovation eLearning Forecasts Micro-Generations

Trend Hunter's Innovation eLearning YouTube videos cover Forecasting Micro-Generations and generational targeting. Trend Hunter’s Chief Content Officer, Armida Ascano, has designed a framework for working around generational trends and imperfections in an effort to create a more nuanced, consumer-centric approach to generational marketing. The imperfections of generations are as follows: antiquated, homogenous, North America-oriented, not action-oriented, and reductive.

With regards to the generations being antiquated, Boomers, Generation X, Millennials, and Generation Z have started to outgrow their original definitions. When it comes to being homogenous, this discusses how generational study supposes a group of people to think, act, and feel the same way simply because they were born within an extensive age range.

For more on Forecasting Micro-Generations, check out Trend Hunter's free 2023 Trend Report.

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