Zipline School Commutes

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Photos Capture Columbia's Kids Using Flying Fox Commuting

I know I hated walking to school every day. I would always hope that my mom would drive me, or I would get a lift from a friend. But after seeing these pictures I have nothing to complain about, as these kids get to and from school with some flying fox commuting.

Using a zipline, and traveling faster than 62 k/h with a harrowing 400 m drop below them, this is the only way for Columbia's most isolated kids to get to school, with the younger children being put into sacks for the journey across. At least they will polish up on their tight rope skills with this flying fox commuting.
Trend Themes
1. Zip Line Commute - Zip line transportation is becoming a feasible and innovative alternative in remote and hilly regions.
2. School Transportation Innovation - Innovative and safe school transportation is a need of the hour to make commuting easy and fun for children.
3. Rope Access for Remote Areas - Rope access can be used as an efficient means of transportation to access remote areas.
Industry Implications
1. Adventure Tourism - Zip line tourism presents an opportunity for businesses to explore adventure tourism and create thrilling experiences for tourists.
2. Education - The education industry can benefit from adopting innovative transportation methods to encourage more attendance and provide children with a safe and fun way to travel to school.
3. Infrastructure - Infrastructure and construction companies can leverage rope access technology to provide easy access to remote and difficult-to-reach areas.

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