Nonsensical Structure Photography

Robert Overweg's Flying and Floating Series is Super Surreal

As I look at the Flying and Floating photo series, I can't help but feel like I have just stepped into a bizarre dream in which the laws of physics don't apply and pretty much anything is possible.

Shot and masterly manipulated by Robert Overweg, the Flying and Floating photo series is just one example of why this artist considers himself a photographer in the virtual world. Although he claims that no editing or collage techniques were involved in any of these images, I can't wrap my head around how he came to shoot them.

According to Fast Co Design, the Flying and Floating photo series explores the 1940s- and '50s-era Empire Bay, which was the vast, fictional city in which Mafia II is set.
Trend Themes
1. Virtual Reality Photography - Explore the possibilities of creating surreal images through virtual reality manipulation.
2. Unconventional Physics in Art - Challenge traditional laws of physics in photography to create mind-bending and dreamlike compositions.
3. Alternate Reality Exploration - Capture virtual worlds and fictional settings to transport viewers into new realms of imagination.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Embrace digital manipulation and explore new artistic techniques through virtual platforms.
2. Gaming - Leverage virtual environments from video games as a source for creative photography and digital art.
3. Artificial Intelligence - Utilize AI-powered tools and algorithms to push the boundaries of traditional photography and unleash artistic potential.

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