Urban Fisher Fashion

The Latest Vogue Brazil Issue Stars Model Hilary Rhoda

It is not everyday that editorials focus on fisher fashion. But embracing the look is a great way to stay by the ocean for the fall season without focusing on typical summer beach looks. With the cooling weather, it is only natural that women are looking for creative ways to stay warm without leaving behind beloved outdoor activities. Perhaps adopting a different one all together is all that's needed.

The fisher fashion was styled by Pedro Sales. He put an edgy urban spin on the fisher fashion, which makes the look as appropriate in the city as they are by the sea. Shot on location in New York by Zee Nunes, the editorial stars model Hilary Rhoda. She is clad in pieces from the likes of Chanel, Dior and Giorgio Armani.
Trend Themes
1. Fisher Fashion Trend - Fashion and outdoor industries can collaborate to come up with wearable, functional, and stylish fisherman-inspired clothing with an urban twist.
2. Edgy Outdoor Style Trend - The blending of modern and rugged pieces can be the next trend in outdoor apparel, providing comfort, protection, and a stylish edge for city or country dwellers.
3. Seasonal Adaptation Trend - Industries can introduce adaptable clothing lines that cater to fused functionality and fashion, aiding consumers to enjoy their outdoor interests, any time of the year.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Industry - The fashion industry can explore the concept of blending outdoor elements with edgy urban style to create clothing lines that fuse functional and fashionable attire.
2. Outdoor Recreational Industry - The Outdoor Recreational Industry can collaborate with fashion experts to craft durable and stylish clothing lines that can cater to outdoor activities regardless of the season.
3. Photography and Media Industry - The Photography and Media Industry can highlight urban fashion trends in outdoor settings to give consumers new fashion inspirations and kindle the demand for edgy outdoor clothing lines.

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