Technology Conversion Charts

The 'Fiction to Reality Infographic' Shows the Difference in Time

The 'Fiction to Reality Infographic' shows when a technological idea was presented in a imaginary world and how long it took for that idea to become a reality. This chart was made by AT&T as part of one of its marketing promotions.

While some technology advancements were conceived at the beginning of the 1990s, it took all the way into the 2000s for those ideas to become real products. The video phone was thought of in 1926, but it wasn't until 2006 when Skype took off that this idea became a usable item and service. Other technology ideas took only a few years to be converted from fiction to the real world, such as cloning which only had a three year gap between concept and reality.
Trend Themes
1. Technology Advancements - Opportunity to explore ideas that were conceived in the past and bring them to life with current technology.
2. Conversion of Fiction to Reality - Opportunity to identify and bridge the gap between imagined technological ideas and their actual implementation.
3. Rapid Technological Conversions - Opportunity to capitalize on ideas that can be quickly translated from concept to reality.
Industry Implications
1. Telecommunications - Opportunity to develop and improve communication technologies that were once only imagined.
2. Entertainment - Opportunity to create innovative and immersive experiences by converting fictional concepts into real-world entertainment.
3. Biotechnology - Opportunity to leverage advancements in genetic engineering and cloning to bring fictional ideas into reality.

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