Endangered Species-Supporting Runways

LACOSTE and IUCN Boast Nature Through Fashion with a Cause

LACOSTE's latest Fall/Winter 2018 runway collection does not only boast stylish modern cuts, but it also features designer fashion with a cause. The luxe contemporary label creates its seasonal offerings in conjunction with IUCN— the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

For 2018, LACOSTE reverts back to its essential values and strives for comfort, mobility and style. The fashion with a cause runway also revealed 10 new polo shirt design, where the iconic crocodile logo makes room for 10 threatened species renditions. Designer Felipe Oliveira Baptista stresses the urgency, contained in the LACOSTE x IUCN team-up, with the dedicated designs. From knit dresses with turtle graphics to orca whale-themed windbreakers, the LACOSTE Fall/ Winter 2018 raises awareness for the 'Save Our Species' Campaign.
Trend Themes
1. Fashion with a Cause - Creating designer fashion collections that support environmental conservation efforts.
2. Endangered Species Renditions - Incorporating threatened species designs into fashion items to raise awareness for conservation.
3. Sustainable Fashion - Focusing on environmentally friendly materials and manufacturing processes in fashion production.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Opportunity for fashion brands to collaborate with conservation organizations to create collections with a cause.
2. Conservation - Integration of fashion and conservation to raise awareness for endangered species and support conservation efforts.
3. Textile Production - Growing demand for sustainable fashion leads to innovations in textile materials and manufacturing processes.

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