Sitcom Floor Plan Replications

One Artist Recreates Famous Apartment Floor Plans From Television

These famous apartment floor plans are so realistically detailed that looking at them makes you feel like you're intruding on someone's privacy. If these familiar, idealistic living spaces have you feeling like you've been there before it's because these floor plans have been carefully recreated based off the details of 16 popular television and movie scene apartments.

Iñaki Aliste Lizarralde recreates famous floor plans based on observations of the living spaces viewed on popular television show episodes and well known movies. Each of these detailed floor plans are hand drawn to scale with coloured pens. Lizarralde adds artistic flare with detailed furniture and includes iconic elements specific to each apartment.

Looking at these recreated famous apartment floor plans I can see myself living life in Holly Golightly’s spacious apartment from Breakfast at Tiffany's or Carrie Bradshaw's enviable NY living space. Of course, the iconic apartments of Friends and Will and Grace look pretty inviting as well.
Trend Themes
1. Sitcom Floor Plan Replications - Recreating detailed floor plans of famous apartments from TV shows and movies based on observations is a trend that provides opportunities for disruptive innovation in interior design and home décor.
2. Hand-drawn Floor Plans - The trend of hand-drawn floor plans created to scale with colored pens opens up opportunities for disruptive innovation in the art and design industries.
3. Iconic Elements in Home Décor - The trend of including iconic elements from famous TV show and movie apartments in home décor creates opportunities for disruptive innovation in the retail and e-commerce industries.
Industry Implications
1. Interior Design - Recreating famous apartment floor plans offers the chance for the interior design industry to create new products and services that cater to TV show and movie enthusiasts.
2. Art and Design - Hand-drawn floor plans present opportunities in the art and design industries for the creation of new products and services with a vintage or retro feel.
3. Retail and E-commerce - The use of iconic elements in home décor provides opportunities for the retail and e-commerce industries to create unique and personalized products for consumers.

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