Fake Books (Revisited)

Sony Gives Away Free Books to Hide PSP

Last December, Trend Hunter posted about Fake Book Covers which can be used to disguise your book. Sony has created a similar concept that allows you to disguise your PSP addiction. Just slide the cover over your PSP and pretend you're reading Dante's Inferno. Just for fun, the inside cover includes a description of the book, "Uhhh, it's about this Dante dude who meets a dude named Virgil and they go to heaven, hell and purgatory."
Trend Themes
1. Disguise Cover Trends - Companies can cater to consumer needs for discretion by creating clever disguise options, like fake book covers and PSP cases.
2. Digital Disguise Trends - Companies can develop a range of covers for digital devices that allow users to keep their digital habits private, like disguised app icons and cellphone cases.
3. Integrated Disguise Trends - Companies can create integrated disguise options for devices that both protect and hide them, like phone cases with collapsible covers and hidden pockets.
Industry Implications
1. Consumer Electronics Industry - The creation of disguise covers or cases by consumer electronic companies could provide an additional revenue stream for the industry.
2. Publishing Industry - Publishing companies could embrace the idea of fake book covers by partnering with electronics companies to provide branded options, expanding their marketing reach.
3. Design Industry - The collaboration between consumer electronics and design companies could bring innovative and stylish concepts to the market, disrupting the world of tech accessories.

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