Multi-Finish Eyeshadow Palettes

Marc Jacobs' Eye-Conic Collection Offers Several Palettes

Marc Jacobs Beauty is offering its Eye-Conic Multi-Finish Eyeshadow Palette in a variety of different shades and finishes.

The brand offers several different palettes within the Coconut Fantasy collection, with each palette containing seven different shades. The palettes have varying themes, whether users are looking for a more natural appearance, or a smoky eye. The individual shades in each palette come in a series of finishes, including velvet, satin, silk, and lame – giving users plenty of choice in the intensity or subtlety of their makeup looks.

For another playful feature, each of Eye-Conic palette's shades are named in a way that when they're read from left to right, the names reveal a short poem.
Trend Themes
1. Multi-finish Eyeshadow Palettes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop customizable eyeshadow palettes that allow users to choose their preferred finishes and shades.
2. Variety of Shades and Finishes - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a line of makeup products that offers a wide range of shades and finishes to cater to diverse customer preferences.
3. Playful Packaging and Naming - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Design makeup products with fun and creative packaging and naming that adds an element of delight and surprise.
Industry Implications
1. Beauty and Cosmetics - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Introduce new makeup products that offer innovative features and customization options to meet the evolving needs and desires of beauty consumers.
2. Personal Care Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop personal care products that combine functionality with creativity, enhancing the overall user experience.
3. Fashion and Accessories - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Explore collaborations between fashion and beauty brands to create unique and cohesive offerings that appeal to fashion-forward consumers.

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