Upcycled Tech Tiles

Fireclay's Backsplash Tiles Find a New Use for E-Waste

These unique backsplash tiles provide a unique solution to the overwhelming amounts of e-waste that is piling up in landfills. It seems there's always some new kind of tech on the market, which causes a lot of old cell phones, computers and televisions to quickly become unwanted. But manufacturer Fireclay joined forces with ECS Refining, an electronics recycler to turn the CRT glass of TVs and computers into something useful — backsplash tiles.

The backsplash tiles come in a gray color that has been dubbed 'Phosphor,' and they come in small penny-round tiles and elongated rectangles of 2" x 8".

In order to create molds to mass-produce high quality tiles, Fireclay has launched a Kickstarter project. With 25 days remaining, they have already exceeded the set $10,000 goal with support from over 180 backers. It's wonderful to see that there has been such an enthusiastic response to this campaign and efforts to reduce the amount of e-waste in landfills.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Tech Tiles - Innovative use of e-waste to create unique backsplash tiles.
2. E-waste Recycling - Growing trend in repurposing e-waste for environmentally-friendly products.
3. Crowdfunding for Sustainable Solutions - Increasing trend of using crowdfunding platforms to support eco-friendly projects like upcycled tech tiles.
Industry Implications
1. Home Decor - Opportunity for home decor companies to offer eco-friendly and innovative backsplash tile options.
2. Electronics Recycling - Industry can explore partnerships and collaborations with manufacturers to repurpose e-waste into new products.
3. Crowdfunding - Platform for eco-conscious entrepreneurs to raise funds for sustainable projects.

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