Anti-Water Bottle Kiosks

The Evive Machine Refills Canteens with Water and Gives It a Clean

The Evive launch is taking a new step in combating water bottle usage. Many people are turning away from plastic bottles and instead are carrying canteens to rehydrate. But let's face it, a lot of times people forget to wash their handy reusable holders that result in drinking smelly moulding fish tank water.

To reverse this unsanitary cycle, Pennsylvania-based start-up Evive is tacking campuses, offering double-walled stainless steel canteens to reduce carbon footprints while implementing a healthy way to quench thirsts.

When fetching for water, users scan their bottles and enter a pin on the machine and places the bottle and the cap inside an opening door. Not only does Evive refills the bottles with crisp cold water, it also cleans the entire bottle like a car wash to offer clean drinking water all around. It takes only a minute for the water refilling process and while people wait there's a monitor that'll keep them busy.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-water Bottle Kiosks - Kiosks that refill and clean reusable water bottles to eliminate plastic bottle usage and promote sustainability.
2. Smart Bottle Refilling - Innovative technologies that automatically refill and sanitize reusable water bottles in public places to encourage sustainable behavior.
3. Digital Water Fountain - A new generation of water fountains designed for refilling bottles with filtered water, promoting sustainability and healthy hydration habits.
Industry Implications
1. Retail - Large retail chains could invest in anti-water bottle kiosks as a way to promote sustainable behavior and attract eco-conscious consumers to their stores.
2. Public Facilities - Public facilities such as airports, parks, and universities could benefit from implementing smart bottle refilling stations to encourage environmental responsibility and promote healthy hydration habits.
3. Smart Cities - Smart cities could use digital water fountains as a part of their infrastructure to reduce plastic waste, promote water conservation, and improve public health.

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