Venetian Maskedtography

Esmahan Ozkan's Black and White Photography is Romantic

As I browsed through Esmahan Ozkan’s photography, I couldn’t help but think of classic black and white, romanticized postcards and calendars. This may be a bad thing considering postcards and calendars are so commercial and rather insipid at times, yet Esmahan Ozkan is far from that.

Getting past the highly treated images, even embracing them, there is an underlying emotion in Esmahan Ozkan’s work that cannot be denied. Take a look at the gallery above to see what I mean.
Trend Themes
1. Black and White Photography Revival - There is an opportunity for camera and camera accessories manufacturers to invest in research and development of cameras and lenses that improve black and white photography.
2. Emotive Photography - There is an opportunity for software developers to create applications that can detect emotions captured in a photograph to provide more personalized user experiences.
3. Nostalgic Aesthetics - There is an opportunity for companies in the fashion and interior design industries to embrace the nostalgia trend and create modern versions of classic looks.
Industry Implications
1. Camera and Camera Accessories - Manufacturers of camera and camera accessories should invest resources in studying the demands and expectations of consumers in the black and white photography market.
2. Software Development - Developers should focus on developing artificial intelligence applications that can automatically edit photos in black and white and improve the emotive quality of the image.
3. Fashion and Interior Design - There is a great opportunity for designers to update classic styles and products to appeal to modern consumers interested in nostalgic aesthetics.

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