Documentary-Style Commercials

Nokia's The Fourth Screen

It's rare to come across a long commercial, almost 2 1/2 minutes long, let alone one which plays out like an epic documentary. Nokia did just that with their Fourth Screen commercial. It manages to cover the impact that four screens - movie, TV, computer and cell phone screens - have on our lives. It was a pretty amazing accomplishment in just 2 1/2 minutes, considering the scope the commercial covered.

The movie screen starts off as socially interactive as people meet in the cinema. TV and computers, however, did the opposite leading to people withdrawing into their own worlds. Nokia hopes that cell phones will be able to bring the community spirit back again.

The ad was conceived to launch Nokia's new phones, gaming service and music store.
Trend Themes
1. Long-form Commercials - Exploring the potential of longer commercials that resemble epic documentaries to captivate audiences.
2. Multi-screen Impact - Examining the influence of multiple screens, such as movies, TV, computers, and cell phones, on people's lives.
3. Community-driven Advertising - Utilizing cell phones as a means to foster a sense of community and social interaction.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - The technology industry can embrace the concept of long-form commercials to showcase the capabilities of various devices.
2. Advertising - The advertising industry can explore how multi-screen experiences can be leveraged to engage and influence audiences effectively.
3. Entertainment - The entertainment industry can adopt community-driven advertising strategies to create more immersive and interactive experiences for viewers.

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