Colossal Solar Columns

EnviroMission's Solar Tower is Bigger Than the Empire State Building

A monolithic dig site is being cleared in the Arizona desert in preparation for one of the most ambitious solar energy projects ever, all under the purview of EnviroMission, a green energy research company.

Exploiting the predictability of hot air, EnviroMission is erecting an 800-meter solar tower in the Mojave desert which will harness the moving energy of the temperate air in the region. Upon its 2015 construction, the tower will service more than 150,00 Californians with clean, reliable energy, and without the need for any heavy maintenance for the next 80 years. 

We’ve been disappointed by alternative energy concepts before, but there is genuine promise for the widespread implementation of solar towers like this one. They work in any weather, continue to collect energy at night and they emit absolutely zero pollution! This may very well be the future of energy production, but ultimately, we’ll have to wait until the solar tower’s 2015 debut.
Trend Themes
1. Solar Towers - Solar towers harness the moving energy of hot air to provide clean and reliable energy without pollution.
2. Alternative Energy - Solar towers offer a promising alternative to traditional energy sources.
3. Long-lasting Maintenance - Solar towers require minimal maintenance for up to 80 years.
Industry Implications
1. Renewable Energy - Solar towers are disrupting the renewable energy industry by providing a reliable and pollution-free energy source.
2. Construction - The construction industry has opportunities in building solar towers to meet the growing demand for clean energy.
3. Utility - The utility industry can benefit from incorporating solar towers into their energy production to meet consumer demand and reduce environmental impact.

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