Conniving Fashion Photography

The Portfolio of Emmanuelle Pick Has an Urban Edge

Although Emmanuelle Pick's photography takes place anywhere and everywhere, from city streets to country fields, there's an urban quality in each image that can't be ignored. Perhaps it's her choice of models or even stylists; nevertheless, there is an edginess that is at times tempered by pretty scenery and frothy frocks.

Based in Paris, Emmanuelle Pick studied film and photography at the University Louis Lumière. Since then, her work has been published in such magazines as Vogue, Vice UK, Marie Claire and Rolling Stone.
Trend Themes
1. Urban Fashion Photography - Opportunity to disrupt the traditional fashion photography industry by capturing urban landscapes and edgy styles.
2. Exploring Unconventional Locations - Opportunity to disrupt location selection in fashion photography by venturing beyond studios and incorporating city streets and country fields.
3. Edginess in Fashion Imaging - Opportunity to disrupt conventional fashion imaging by incorporating an edgy aesthetic with a mix of pretty scenery and frothy frocks.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion Photography - Opportunity to disrupt the fashion photography industry by embracing urban aesthetics and unconventional locations.
2. Fashion Magazines - Opportunity for fashion magazines to differentiate themselves by featuring more urban fashion photography that embraces an edgy aesthetic.
3. Film and Photography Education - Opportunity to disrupt traditional film and photography education by incorporating urban fashion photography and unconventional location scouting in curriculums.

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