Email Etiquette Apps

The FoxType Politeness Checker Helps Improve the Tone of Your Correspondences

For those that type emails on an everyday basis and aren't quite certain how to ensure that they are using proper jovial email etiquette there is the FoxType Politeness Checker app. This app goes through your typed emails and instantly checks your tone through your word choices and offers suggestions on how to make the email more friendly so it can be better received.

Typing emails can be an awkward experience -- especially if you're writing about delicate work matters or issues that require a great deal of sensitivity. The FoxType Politeness Checker allows users to paste the body of their email into a box that can scan the text for tone. The app gives a rating out of 100 with 50 being a neutral sounding tone, 0 being too rude and 100 being overtly polite. The app also gives different word suggestions if so need.
Trend Themes
1. Email Tone Analysis - Developing AI-powered tools that analyze email tone and provide suggestions for improvement can disrupt the way people communicate through email.
2. Artificial Intelligence in Communication - Integrating AI into communication platforms can revolutionize the way emails are written and improve overall professionalism and efficiency in business correspondence.
3. Enhancing Email Etiquette - Creating apps that offer real-time feedback and suggestions on word choices can help individuals improve their email etiquette and avoid misunderstanding in communication.
Industry Implications
1. Software as a Service (saas) - Developing subscription-based email etiquette apps can provide businesses with a recurring revenue stream while offering valuable tools for professionals.
2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) - Leveraging AI technology to analyze text and provide feedback can disrupt the way communication software is designed and used.
3. Professional Development - Incorporating email etiquette training and tools into corporate training programs can improve employees' communication skills and enhance workplace productivity.

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