Christmas Beverage Desserts

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This Eggnog Pie Recipe is a Certain Crowd-Pleaser During the Holidays

This eggnog pie turns a traditional and seasonal beverage into a delicious dessert. From Tastes Like Home, the Christmas Eggnog Pie recipe is an easy homemade dish that is sure to impress during the holiday season. Even if you are not a big fan of the eggnog drink, you might love this treat.

If you want to make this wintery delight, you will need eggnog, milk, nutmeg, pastry shell, rum or rum extract and vanilla pudding mix. The pie can be topped with whipped cream and extra nutmeg, which is totally optional. You can also customize this recipe and change things up by swapping out the pre-prepared pastry shell with a vodka pie crust made from scratch.
Trend Themes
1. Holiday Beverage-inspired Desserts - Many traditional drinks of the holiday season have yet to be translated into desserts, paving the way for innovation opportunities in the food industry.
2. Customizable Pie Crusts - As seen in this recipe, using unexpected liquors such as vodka into pie crusts could push the boundaries for pastry-making and baking industries.
3. Elevated Comfort Food - Transforming a classic, yet somewhat unpopular drink like eggnog into a unique and delicious dessert creates a chance for businesses to generate appeal around re-invention of nostalgic food products.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage Manufacturing/processing - This trend opens up the possibility of producing new products, or creating limited edition seasonal offerings under already established brands.
2. Baking and Pastry Service Providers - Bakers have the chance to create new and unique recipes by combining different types of liquors with ingredients in desserts and introducing a new level of sophistication into their products.
3. Catering and Event Services - Incorporating unique dessert dishes into your catering lineup can set you apart from competitors and create new revenue streams during the holiday season.

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