Tech-Paced Eating

The Eetmeet Plate Illuminates the Issue of Fast Dining

Lissa Koojiman has found a way to slow eating patterns, and it is illuminating. The Eetmeet plate is designed to ensure eating is never too speedy.

The Eetmeet plate by Lissa Koojiman is made to recognize when a bite is taken, it then illuminates and stays on for a set amount of time. The idea is that you don’t take another bite until the lights turn off. Lissa Koojiman made the plate in hopes people will slow down, eat less, and consider what they are eating.
Trend Themes
1. Slow Dining - The Eetmeet plate encourages slow dining by using lights to signal when to take the next bite.
2. Mindful Eating - The Eetmeet plate promotes mindfulness by prompting people to consider what they are eating.
3. Technological Eating - The Eetmeet plate combines technology and dining to create a unique eating experience.
Industry Implications
1. Food and Beverage - The Eetmeet plate provides an opportunity for the food and beverage industry to explore innovative ways to promote healthy eating habits.
2. Consumer Electronics - The Eetmeet plate introduces technology into the dining experience, opening up possibilities for the consumer electronics industry to develop similar products.
3. Health and Wellness - The Eetmeet plate aligns with the health and wellness industry's focus on promoting mindful eating and healthier lifestyles.

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