Edible Baby Shoes

Chatherine McEver Adorns Your Home With Unlikely Food Art

Catherine McEver makes edible baby shoes to decorate your home with. This clever artisan recently started selling her work on Etsy on June 30, 2009 and already they have been receiving attention.

Her main focus is the creation of prints that feature baby shoes made from unlikely materials such as Swiss cheese, AstroTurf, lettuce, tortilla chips and sponges.

Even though these shoes may have a short shelf life, the edible shoe prints last forever.

Implications - Using everyday items to create innovative designs is a great business venture. Companies can benefit from providing customers with inventive creations made from unexpected resources since shoppers are on a constant search for items that are both practical and visually appealing.
Trend Themes
1. Use of Unlikely Materials - There is a trend towards using unlikely materials to create innovative designs.
2. Practical and Visually Appealing - Customers are seeking items that are both practical and visually appealing.
3. Inventive Creations - There is a demand for inventive creations made from unexpected resources.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore the use of unlikely materials to create unique and visually appealing products.
2. Home Decor - The home decor industry can create practical and visually appealing products using unexpected resources.
3. Fashion and Accessories - The fashion and accessories industry can tap into the demand for inventive creations made from unusual materials.

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