Hardcover Hardship Statistics

'Book Buzz: The Economics of E-Readers' Compares Materials

For many individuals, myself included, the best solution to a rainy day is curling up under a blanket with a good book, but, as 'Book Buzz: The Economics of E-Readers' suggests, these comforting paperbacks are quickly being replaced with electronic tablets.

Created by RetailMeNot.com, the illustrated chart examines the growing popularity of e-readers, like the Amazon Kindle, Apple iPad, Sony Reader, and Barnes & Noble Nook. There are some huge benefits to e-readers, from their low environmental impact and low costs to easier transportation, but personally I've still been unable to let go of hardcover and paperback novels. What I found most interesting in the infographic, however, is that it seems many e-reader supporters haven't completely converted to the electronic format, with only 15% of them completely ending their purchase of printed books.

As environmental and economic issues continue to rise for many North Americans, it seems logical that many people would turn to e-readers to satisfy all their literary needs. Whether you're for or against the change, 'Book Buzz: The Economics of E-Readers' is a must-see!
Trend Themes
1. Rise of E-readers - As printed books decline in popularity, e-readers are creating new opportunities for the publishing industry.
2. Environmentalism in Reading - The growing popularity of eco-friendly e-readers creates opportunities for promotional and advertising initiatives.
3. Hybrid Reading Preferences - Readers are embracing the convenience of e-readers while still maintaining a preference for print books, creating innovative marketing strategies.
Industry Implications
1. Publishing - E-readers offer opportunities for publishers to reach wider audiences and experiment with new formats and pricing models.
2. Technology - Technology companies can innovate and develop new e-reader products that are even more user-friendly and environmentally-conscious.
3. Advertising and Promotions - The rise of e-readers offers opportunities for advertisers and promoters to collaborate with eco-friendly publishing initiatives and promote innovative reading experiences.

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