Modernized Outdoor Furnishings

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Duffy London for Encompass Furniture is Playfully Sophisticated

This particular furniture design company may be known for its quirky creations, but the Duffy London for Encompass Furniture collection is much more tame. Focusing on outdoor furniture, Duffy London has modernize some classic pieces including the picnic bench and patio chairs. Although the designs are rather clean and contemporary, there are some details that hark back to past playful creations including the Up Coffee Table and the Swing Table.

For instance, the Duffy London for Encompass Furniture collection features the Yacht Table and Benches, which is named after its inspiration. The canopy that covers the furniture pieces is reminiscent of the roof of a yacht. It is also made out of boat materials including wood decking, sail fabric and hardware.
Trend Themes
1. Modern Outdoor Furniture Designs - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in creating sleek and contemporary outdoor furniture designs, while incorporating playful details.
2. Revival of Classic Furniture Pieces - Opportunity for disruptive innovation in modernizing and reimagining classic furniture pieces for outdoor use.
3. Integration of Boat Materials in Furniture Design - Opportunity for disruptive innovation by incorporating boat materials like wood decking and sail fabric in outdoor furniture design.
Industry Implications
1. Furniture Design - Opportunity for furniture designers to create modern and playful outdoor furniture collections.
2. Outdoor Living - Opportunity for outdoor living industry to offer sophisticated and contemporary furniture options for consumers.
3. Boating and Yachting - Opportunity for boating and yachting industry to collaborate with furniture designers in creating yacht-inspired outdoor furniture collections.

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