Controversial Drug Packaging

The Conceptial Pregnadel Pill Wrapper by Sergii Llin

This controversial concept for drug packaging by Sergii Llin is sure to get tongue wagging. Pregnadel would be medical packaging used for drugs such as the morning-after pill.

What is sure to make people upset is the way in which the drug packaging by Sergii Llin is so, fun. It comes in a little pink, lady-form cut out with the drug located around the cut-out’s mid-section. The little pill also has a fun-loving, death-face imprint (two X’s for eyes and a smile).

Llin believes the drug packaging’s message is, "Think before you do." I don’t think anti-abortion groups will be amused.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Drug Packaging Design - Designing drug packaging in a controversial and eye-catching way can create buzz and generate interest.
2. Humorous Packaging - The use of humor in packaging design can be an effective way to appeal to younger generations and create a memorable brand identity.
3. Contraceptive Packaging - The emergence of non-traditional packaging designs for contraceptives represents a potential market opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry.
Industry Implications
1. Pharmaceuticals - Pharmaceutical companies can tap into the growing trend of unique and controversial packaging designs to differentiate their products from competitors and increase brand recognition.
2. Marketing and Advertising - The use of provocative and humorous packaging designs will create new opportunities for marketing and advertising agencies to create memorable and impactful campaigns for their clients.
3. Social Issues - The controversy sparked by unconventional drug packaging designs provides an opportunity for advocacy groups and NGOs to raise awareness about social issues related to contraception and women's rights.

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