Viral Video Spokesmen

The Double Rainbow Windows Commercial is Full on All the Way

Microsoft has cast YouTube's latest celebrity 'Double Rainbow Guy' to be in its latest commercial. The Double Rainbow Windows commercial is a hilarious take on the original viral video that found its way into the hearts and minds of millions.

The Double Rainbow Windows commercial features the star of the original video, Paul Vasquez, stumbling upon another double rainbow, which he captures with Windows Photo Gallery. What stands out to me is how quickly Microsoft jumped all over this. Vasquez's 15 minutes of fame weren't even up yet and they were all over it. Smart move.
Trend Themes
1. Viral Video Advertising - Opportunity for businesses to leverage popular viral videos and their creators to create engaging and memorable advertisements.
2. Real-time Marketing - Companies capitalizing on current viral trends to quickly create and release relevant marketing campaigns.
3. Influencer Collaborations - Brands partnering with popular internet influencers to create authentic and relatable advertising content.
Industry Implications
1. Technology - Opportunity for tech companies to collaborate with viral video creators to promote their products and services.
2. Advertising - Advertising agencies and marketers utilizing viral videos to create attention-grabbing campaigns for their clients.
3. Entertainment - Film and television studios partnering with viral video creators to incorporate their content into movies and shows, capitalizing on their popularity.

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