Naked Pushups at Famous Landmarks

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Patriotic Chinese TV Host Ou Zhihang

A Chinese Television host from Guangdong TV by the name of Ou Zhihang does pushups completely naked near China's National Stadium (the now famous “Bird's Nest"), near the Beijing's National Grand Theater, in Pudong, Shanghai and by the Great Wall.

"I love my country, I also love my body," Zhihang notes in his blog. "I contrast my tiny body with the 'miracle of the world' through the popular exerciseâ€"pushups."

And on related news, Tom Ford denies any involvement in this stunt. Kidding.
Trend Themes
1. Naked Fitness Challenges - Opportunity for fitness brands to create innovative and controversial fitness challenges that attract attention and engagement.
2. Unconventional Marketing Tactics - Opportunity for marketers to explore unconventional and provocative approaches to generate buzz and media coverage for their brands.
3. Body Positivity Movement - Opportunity for companies to embrace and promote body positivity, challenging societal norms and celebrating diverse body types.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity for fitness brands to create unique workout experiences that combine exercise with unconventional challenges.
2. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity for marketers to push the boundaries of traditional advertising and explore bold and unconventional tactics.
3. Fashion and Beauty Industry - Disruptive innovation opportunity for fashion and beauty brands to challenge traditional beauty standards and promote body acceptance in their campaigns and products.

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