$6000 Dodo Sketches

Ancient Bird Drawing Goes Up for Sale at Auction in London

A 350-year-old picture of the now extinct Dodo bird is prepared to go up for auction on July 9th, 2009. The picture of the awkward (and ugly) looking bird is said to date back to the late 1600s.

The Dodos were greatly affected by the changing world, and as new animals were put into their habitats, they slowly died down. After all their habitats had been destroyed, it was only a matter of time (around 1700) that the bird became extinct.

There is not much known about the picture except that it was drawn at the 17th century Dutch school by an unknown artist. Directly above the bird reads "Dronte" (Dodo…DUH!).

The ancient Dodo sketch is expected for fetch over $6000 at the auction at Christie’s in London.
Trend Themes
1. Extinct Animal Art Collecting - Collecting and auctioning off artwork depicting extinct animals, such as the Dodo bird.
2. Historical Art Investing - Investing in historical artwork, particularly from the 17th century.
3. Wildlife Preservation Awareness - Creating awareness for the preservation of endangered animals and their habitats by showcasing extinct animal art.
Industry Implications
1. Art Auction Houses - Art auction houses specializing in historical artwork from the 17th century.
2. Wildlife Conservation Organizations - Non-profit organizations working to conserve and protect wildlife and their habitats.
3. Art Restoration Companies - Companies specializing in restoring and preserving historical artwork, especially those showcasing extinct animals.

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