Coconut-Infused Almond Butters

This DIY Nut Butter is a Delicious and Nutritious Treat

The 'Food52' blog put together a recipe for a DIY nut butter that is both tasty and nutritious. Although peanut butter is a classic sandwich spread, this tasty topping is not exactly the healthiest option available. This delicious almond butter offers a more nutritious alternative to store-bought peanut spreads.

To make the DIY nut butter, all you need are raw almonds, shredded coconut, sea salt and honey. Almonds are a great alternative to peanuts because they contain heart-healthy fats without the added salt content. Although regular almond butter is delicious, the addition of coconut gives this sandwich spread a hint of tropical flavor. The result is a sweet and nutty condiment that is sure to become a healthy pantry staple.

This delicious homemade nut butter provides a tasty alternative to store-bought peanut spreads.
Trend Themes
1. DIY Nut Butter - More people are looking for DIY options to make healthy and tasty spreads at home.
2. Coconut-infused Foods - Coconut is being added to a variety of foods to give them a tropical twist and added health benefits.
3. Healthy Pantry Staples - Consumers are looking for healthier and more natural options for their pantry staples, particularly amid health and wellness trends.
Industry Implications
1. Food & Beverage - The food and beverage industry can introduce and market more DIY nut butter options that cater to people's diets and taste preferences.
2. Wellness - The wellness industry can continue to promote healthy and natural food options like this DIY nut butter as part of a holistic approach to health.
3. Recipe & Cooking Platforms - Recipe and cooking platforms can showcase and promote DIY nut butter recipes that use different nuts, seeds, or added flavors and ingredients.

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