Edible Candy Diodes

DIY LED Design Gummies are High-Tech Treats for Geeks

Candy could not get any more nerdalicious than these DIY LED design gummies that can be made from scratch. The ladies of Adafruit show you how to create these electrical delights, even demonstrating how to make the silicone mold that shapes them.

An incredibly time-consuming process, making these tiny gummies takes patience and precision, but the results are worth it if they are as tangy and delectable as they look. Using real LEDs and mixing silicone to create a food-grade mold, the ladies even construct the foam box in which they pour the mold. Then they mix everything precisely, adding ascorbic acid for a sour flavor.

The picks of the DIY LED design candies were made out of corn-based plastic using 3D printing.
Trend Themes
1. DIY LED Design Gummies - Create a market for DIY LED design gummies by offering kits that include all the necessary ingredients and instructions.
2. Real LED Integration in Edible Products - Explore opportunities for incorporating real LEDs into various edible products, such as chocolates or cookies, to create unique visual experiences.
3. 3D Printed Food Picks - Develop 3D printed food picks made from sustainable materials to enhance the presentation and functionality of edible creations.
Industry Implications
1. Candy Manufacturing - Invest in research and development to create innovative candy products that integrate technology, such as LED lights, to attract tech-savvy consumers.
2. Food Packaging - Offer food packaging solutions that include customizable silicone molds for creating unique edible designs, catering to the DIY food trend.
3. 3D Printing - Collaborate with food manufacturers and chefs to develop 3D printing techniques that allow for the creation of intricate, edible shapes and structures.

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