Modern Table Manners Incentives

Eva Restaurant Gives Discounts for No Phone Use During Dinner

The discount for not using your phone during dinner has just been set by Eva Restaurant in LA at 5 percent off your meal. The smart incentive program ensures a greater respect for table manners and the company of your fellow diners.

Chef and owner of the restaurant says, "Eva is home, and we want to create that environment of home, and we want people to connect again." To ensure that you stay tech-free throughout your meal, diners check their phones in at the door and stay off them throughout the duration of their meal at Eva.

The smart incentive is a great way to get some publicity from the press and to encourage those looking for a low-key restaurant the opportunity to get out to Eva.
Trend Themes
1. Phone-free Dining - Restaurants are implementing discount programs to encourage diners to disconnect from their devices during meals.
2. Incentive Programs - Businesses are finding creative ways to incentivize customers to change their behavior or habits.
3. Creating Human Connections - More and more businesses are seeking to create environments that foster genuine human interactions.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality - Hotels and restaurants can benefit from implementing phone-free incentives to promote social interaction among guests and diners.
2. Retail - Retail stores can encourage a more positive shopping experience by implementing incentives to discourage cell phone use while browsing.
3. Corporate Wellness - Companies can promote healthy workplace habits and encourage face-to-face interaction among employees through similar incentive programs.

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