Insane Brain DVD Packaging

The Dexter Box Set Shows Off This Show's Insanity

The Dexter box set is just as screwy as the series. Now that the show is over and completed, the studio has put out all the seasons in one box set. Except it's not in a box, it's in a brain. Much like how the show had an incredibly unique premise, the packaging of the show is also bizarre and a bit creepy.

Instead of just a normal box of DVDs placed in protectors and then wrapped in plastic, the Dexter box set decided to go in a different direction from the norm. A white mannequin bust with no features except for a small red scratch on the cheek holds all eight seasons of the TV show. On the head, where the brain would be, are all the DVDs stacked on top of each other.
Trend Themes
1. Unconventional Packaging - There is an opportunity for packaging companies to innovate by creating unconventional packaging designs that differentiate a product from its competitors.
2. Upselling Completed Series Box Sets - There is an opportunity for entertainment studios to upsell completed TV series box sets by creating unique packaging designs that connect with the show's unique premise.
3. Limited Edition Collectibles - There is an opportunity for marketing companies to create limited edition collectibles that appeal to fans and collectors who are willing to pay a premium for unique merchandise.
Industry Implications
1. Packaging - Innovative packaging solutions can add value to a brand and differentiate it from competitors in industries such as food and beverage, cosmetics, and consumer electronics.
2. Entertainment - Entertainment studios can benefit from unique packaging designs in the form of box sets or other merchandise for completed series across television, movies, and games.
3. Marketing and Collectibles - Marketers can leverage limited edition collectibles to drive revenue from fans and collectors in various industries such as sports, music, and television.

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