Detachable Phones

Patent Filed For PDA with Detachable Cellphone

Why bother toting around with a clunky PDA next time your at the bar or going for a jog? With the detachable phone, you can leave the brick at home.

Unfortunately, this concept is just in patent phase, but a lawsuit over the patent has already ensued. That's probably a good thing! If the concept is important enough to fight over, there may be multiple companies working on the idea.

Our friend David Ponce at OhGizmo loves the idea, "This makes perfect sense actually, as PDAs are a dying breed, though they do still have some use. While mobile phones are more popular due to a bunch of reasons (they're more portable, do about as much as your average PDA, etc), the extra bulk of a PDA device does allow for the cramming of more computing horsepower. Cramming horsepower is always good, so to combine the portability of a cellphone with the potential of the extra computational abilities of a larger PDA seem like a good idea."
Trend Themes
1. Detachable Phones - Opportunity to combine the portability of a cellphone with the computational abilities of a PDA.
Industry Implications
1. Mobile Technology - Potential for companies to innovate in creating detachable phone devices.
2. Consumer Electronics - Opportunity to create sleek and versatile devices that merge the functionalities of PDAs and cellphones.
3. Patent Law - Lawsuit over the patent highlights the need for legal expertise in the evolving field of detachable phone technology.

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