Macabre Death Clocks

The 'You'll Be Dead Soon' 28 Desk Clocks Count Down the Days in a Lifetime

Adding a macabre outlook to time is the 'You'll Be Dead Soon' 28 desk clock that counts down the days a person has left -- on average -- in a lifetime. The clock begins with a ballpark count at 28,000 days, which is the average amount of days a person has in their existence. While the theme of the clock is rather bleak, the device can be motivational to help remind consumers that their time is limited and to use it to the fullest while they can.

The 28 clock replaces telling time with a countdown that starts at the number 28,000. The 28,000 references the numbers of days one has from the start of their life, so if someone is 25 years old they only have 19,000 days left and so on. Each day the clock takes off one digit till it reaches zero.
Trend Themes
1. Death Clocks - There is an opportunity for businesses to create various morbid countdown devices.
2. Mindfulness Reminder Clocks - There is an opportunity to create clocks that remind people to be mindful about their time and how they use it.
3. Life-changing Reminder Devices - There is an opportunity to create devices that remind people to make the most out of life.
Industry Implications
1. Clock Manufacturing Industry - There is an opportunity for clock manufacturers to explore the niche market of macabre time-telling.
2. Gift and Home Decor Industry - There is an opportunity for the gift and home decor industry to offer unique and offbeat products like death clocks.
3. Motivational Products Industry - There is an opportunity for companies in the motivational products industry to create products that help consumers make the most of their time.

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