Peel Off Your Fat

Dermasolutions Campaign

This creative advertising campaign lets you experience what the product does hands-on.

Dermasolutions wanted to show you that, "When there's excess, get rid of it," using their fat-reducing patches. In order to open the mail, you have to "peel off" the unattractive lovehandle, resulting in a leaner body.

The campaign was created by Rapp Collins Colombia ad agency with creative directors Pablo Castro, Juan David Botero and art directors Carolina Ramírez, Yesid Suárez.

Implications - The ad is a creative take on the conventional commercial, as its interactive nature excited consumers about the product in a way that information-centric ads cannot. These innovative commercials give audiences real insight into the way the product works that is not fabricated by scripts and staging.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Advertising - Dermasolutions' interactive ad campaign provides a hands-on experience for consumers, opening up opportunities for businesses to incorporate interactive elements in their advertising strategies.
2. Demonstration Marketing - The ad's demonstration of the fat-reducing patches gives potential customers a clear understanding of the product's benefits, demonstrating the potential for businesses to incorporate more demos in their marketing efforts.
3. Personalized Product Experience - By having consumers physically 'peel off' the excess fat, the ad campaign provided a personalized experience that made the product appear more tailored to their individual needs, highlighting the opportunity for businesses to create more personalized product experiences in their marketing campaigns.
Industry Implications
1. Health and Wellness - Dermasolutions' fat-reducing patches target the health and wellness industry as a potential market for businesses looking to capitalize on the growing trend of using personal care products for weight management.
2. Beauty - The ad's focus on reducing love handles makes the beauty industry a target market for the patches, creating opportunities for businesses to develop products that target specific problem areas.
3. Advertising - The interactive nature of the ad campaign highlights the potential for businesses in the advertising industry to incorporate innovative and interactive elements into their campaigns to increase engagement with consumers.

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