Damage Control Film Tallies

Cinema Sins Counts up the Cost of Destruction in Demolition Man

The hilarious YouTube channel Cinema Sins has just rounded up a new tally: the total cost of damage done in the film Demolition Man. The result is staggering.

Considering most of the film shows Wesley Snipes and Sylvester Stallone blowing things up and breaking glass at any possible moment, it's no wonder the end cost is so high. One also has to remember that this was a film set in the future, so with inflation the cost will go up a bit. The final tally for damage in the film came out to just over twenty one million dollars, which is actually not too outrageous after watching the reckless behaviour of both of the main characters in Demolition Man.
Trend Themes
1. Damage Cost Calculation - Developing technologies that enable automated cost calculation of damage caused in movies could be a lucrative service for studios and insurance firms.
2. Sustainable Movie Production - Adopting sustainable practices for movie productions could not only minimize damage costs but also create a new selling point for movie studios in the wake of growing environmental concerns.
3. Virtual Reality Movie Experience - Incorporating virtual reality technology could offer viewers a more immersive and personalized experience of movie action scenes while minimizing damage costs on actual filming sets.
Industry Implications
1. Insurance - Insurance firms could leverage Damage Cost Calculation technology to automate damage assessment and offer comprehensive coverage for movie productions thereby reducing manual labour costs and enhancing accuracy.
2. Movie Production - Movie producers could adopt sustainable practices such as renting or buying safer demolition props, limiting real-life explosions, and incorporating visual or sound effects to minimize damage and create a new selling point for environmental-conscious audiences.
3. Virtual Reality Entertainment - Virtual Reality could revolutionize the movie industry, creating disruptive innovations that offer a truly immersive, personalized and cost-effective movie experience to viewers, giving movie producers new ways to generate revenue and marketing opportunities.

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