Free-Use Tablet Terminals

Use an iPad Free of Charge in the Delta iPad Terminal at JFK

Delta is making it harder to fly other airlines, at least out of New York City's JFK Airport which features a new Delta iPad terminal with 200 iPads.

Delta has collaborated with airport restaurant management company OTG to outfit several restaurants with both new looks and iPads. The iPads in the Delta iPad terminal can be used to check email, sports scores and of course, order food.

I really like this idea. Having to pay for airport WiFi has always been a pet peeve of my mine, which is why I am happy to see so many free-of-charge Internet-enabled devices.
Trend Themes
1. Free-use Tablet Terminals - Opportunity for airlines and airports to provide free tablet terminals for customers to access a variety of services.
2. Airport Technology Integration - Opportunity for airport and technology companies to collaborate on integrating technology solutions, such as iPads and free WiFi, to enhance the airport experience.
3. Enhanced Customer Service - Opportunity for airlines and airport restaurants to enhance customer service by providing accessible technology for customers to order food and access other services.
Industry Implications
1. Airlines - Disruptive innovation opportunity for airlines to implement free tablet terminals and enhance customer experience at airports.
2. Airports - Opportunity for airports to partner with technology companies to provide free tablet terminals and improve passenger satisfaction.
3. Restaurant and Hospitality - Opportunity for restaurant and hospitality industry to collaborate with airlines and airports to provide technology-enabled services, such as ordering food through tablets.

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