Sarcastically Remixed Carols

This Remix of Merry Christmas is for Those with December Birthdays

Chupa Chups serves up a special Christmas carol for all those with December birthdays this year.

It can be a bit anti-climactic for those with December birthdays since they have to compete with all the Christmas festivities. Oftentimes, someone with a December birthday gets a bit less because their friends and family have already spent money on Christmas gifts too. It can leave some people born late in the year more than a little bitter.

This hilarious Christmas carol/happy birthday song mash up is delivered with such over the top, fake cheer that it comes off sarcastic and almost patronizing. The singer sings with a smile, but merges the words "merry Christmas" with "happy birthday" to become "merry birthmas."

It's all about taking things in stride and not getting too serious about life.
Trend Themes
1. Sarcastic Remixes - More companies will create sarcastic remixes to reposition and promote their products in a humorous way.
2. Personalized Celebrations - Personalized celebratory products may be created to cater to specific groups such as those with December birthdays.
3. Humorous Birthday Songs - Humorous birthday songs may trend in the music industry to bring fun and laughter to a traditionally somber event.
Industry Implications
1. Greeting Cards - Greeting card companies may start offering sarcastic remix cards to appeal to a younger audience that appreciates humor and irony in their greeting cards.
2. Party Supplies - This trend may influence the development of a new category of products of birthday party supplies personalized for those with December birthdays.
3. Music - Musicians may start creating satirical songs to cultivate a new fan base that enjoys satirical humor in their music.

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