Psychedelic Surreal Images

David Benjamin Sherry has a Wild and Contorted Imagination

These wild photographs by David Benjamin Sherry are definitely on the crazier side of things. The imaginative artist takes photos and actually develops them in an old school darkroom to produce the wacky colors and imaginative pictures you see.

These magical, surreal images are definitely crazy, featuring everything from a blue man with a ball in his mouth, to a floating head covered with red paint. David Benjamin Sherry's mystical creations will definitely come in handy on any future drug-induced states you may find yourself in.
Trend Themes
1. Surreal Photography - Opportunities exist for traditional photographers to experiment with techniques that produce imagery outside the bounds of conventional photography.
2. Psychedelic Art - There are avenues for artists to exapnd into producing artwork which encompasses the chaotic yet fantastical images of the subconcious.
3. Film Photography - There are unexplored applications of traditional photography techniques in conjuction with modern technology that could yield new forms of surrealistic imagery.
Industry Implications
1. Art - Artists can capitalise on the increasing acceptance of unconventional forms of art such as fine art photography as high-end decor pieces.
2. Cinematography - Film makers can explore the potential of using surrealistic imagery in non-fiction to graphically illustrate subconcious or out of body experiences.
3. Fashion - Fashion designers could derive inspiration from surreal or psychedelic motifs, producing runway pieces that evoke a sense of distorted reality.

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