Neglected Neighborhood Photography

Dan Wetmore Photographs Rebirth in an Industrial Wasteland

For his latest series, 'Jubilee Kitchen,' Dan Wetmore photographed neighborhoods surrounding the long-abandoned steel mills of Pittsburgh.

Seeing as the area is often referred to as an "industrial wasteland," it's no wonder Wetmore's project was met with some skepticism. After all, what is there to photograph in these discarded, vacated regions? A rift between union workers and management in Pittsburgh's mills during the 1970s and 80s caused steel production to relocate. As a result, the once-prosperous neighborhoods are now faced with the heady task of rebuilding themselves.

The enchantment with the mills began when Wetmore was a child, and continued throughout adulthood. Throughout the series, he reveals unexpected moments of renewal and rejuvenation which suggest that, despite the disruptive past, all hope is not lost.
Trend Themes
1. Renewal of Neglected Neighborhoods - Exploring and documenting the rebirth and rejuvenation of abandoned industrial regions offers opportunities for creative revitalization and investment.
2. Photography in Industrial Wastelands - Capturing the beauty and potential in neglected areas provides a unique perspective and a chance to showcase transformation and progress.
3. Community-led Rebuilding Initiatives - Empowering local communities to lead the rebuilding efforts of neglected neighborhoods presents innovative approaches to urban regeneration and social transformation.
Industry Implications
1. Urban Renewal - The urban renewal industry can find opportunities to invest in neglected neighborhoods and support community-led revitalization projects.
2. Photography - The photography industry can explore opportunities to document and showcase the transformation of industrial wastelands, creating powerful visual narratives.
3. Community Development - The community development industry can play a crucial role in empowering local residents and organizations to rebuild and revitalize neglected neighborhoods, fostering social and economic growth.

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