Transparent Top Autos

The Daihatsu Concept Car is a Family's Convertible

The sensation of wind in your hair is overrated at 80 mph when long locks quickly become a wild whipping entanglement. The Daihatsu Concept Car offers the view that a convertible does without the intensity of the breeze.

Rasul Maksyutov developed this idea for a Daihatsu competition, aiming to question, consider and reinvent the conventions of designing and assembling a vehicle. Visibility to the outside is undoubtedly important for both safety and pleasure, so this model automobile optimizes for maximum transparency.

A lightweight but strong upper frame allows minimal interruption of the view outdoors, holding the clear glass in place around the entirety of the vehicle with a broad sunroof up above. The Daihatsu Concept Car increases the height of each windows so that even the youngsters in the back seat can appreciate the journey.
Trend Themes
1. Maximized Visibility Vehicles - Designing vehicles with as much transparency as possible for improved safety and enjoyment.
2. Family-friendly Convertibles - Developing convertible cars that prioritize the comfort and safety of all passengers, including children.
3. Innovative Vehicle Design - Questioning conventional vehicle design to create unique and functional cars like the Daihatsu Concept Car.
Industry Implications
1. Automotive Industry - Continuously innovating and experimenting with new designs to improve the driving experience.
2. Family-friendly Cars - Creating cars that cater to the needs of families, including safety and comfort features for children.
3. Glass Manufacturing Industry - Developing stronger and clearer glass materials to be used in maximized visibility vehicles like the Daihatsu Concept Car.

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