Office Supply Insects

DIY Creepy Crawlies to Distract You From Work

My workspace is bugged. I didn't know it until I ran across these pictures. These recognizable insects are made from everyday office supplies lurking in the deep recesses of your desk drawers. They've been painstakingly assembled and then marvelously photographed to give you a buzz and perhaps even a sting. I love the interwebs.

Implications - Although only part of an artwork collection, these quirky upcycled creations are a great example of how a little ingenuity can lead to truly fantastic creations that consumers love. When a company or designer displays resourcefulness and transforms even the simplest of materials into inspiring creations, consumers take note in a decidedly major way.
Trend Themes
1. Upcycled Creations - The trend of upcycled creations showcases how resourcefulness can lead to fantastic consumer products.
2. DIY Office Supplies - The DIY office supplies trend encourages individuals to use everyday items in creative and innovative ways.
3. Photography Artistry - The trend of photography artistry highlights the potential for transforming ordinary objects into visually striking compositions.
Industry Implications
1. Art and Design - The art and design industry can explore innovative ways to create consumer products using upcycled materials.
2. Office Supplies - The office supplies industry can tap into the DIY trend by promoting creative uses for everyday products.
3. Photography - The photography industry can embrace the artistry trend by experimenting with unique subjects and compositions.

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