Bovine Fart Cans

Project Countryside Air to Go Gives a Real Smell of Countryside

I have no idea how countryside smells exactly, but by smelling a cow fart from project Countryside Air to Go, I'm sure I'll get an authentic idea. The bizarre project Countryside Air to Go is actually for people who migrated to cities and want a comforting reminder of the countryside

The cans themselves are designed by a Bavarian designer Daniela Dorrer, and are filled with the aroma of actual cow farts and sucked-out air from wooden stables. Cans from Countryside Air to Go are selling like hot cakes in Germany for a whopping $10.

Countryside Air to Go is planning to launch more products in the future, possibly from the smell of horse, pig, straw and manure, which will give an even more authentic smell of the countryside.
Trend Themes
1. Sensory Nostalgia Products - Opportunity for businesses to create unique and unconventional products that evoke nostalgic sensory experiences.
2. Urban-rural Connection - Potential for innovations that bridge the gap between urban and rural lifestyles, catering to the nostalgic desires of city dwellers.
3. Unconventional Fragrance Market - Emerging market for unusual and unconventional fragrances that appeal to niche consumer interests.
Industry Implications
1. Product Design - Designers can explore creative and unconventional approaches to develop unique sensory experiences for consumers.
2. Agriculture and Farming - Opportunities to innovate by tapping into the market of nostalgic sensory products derived from farm-related scents.
3. Tourism and Hospitality - Potential for businesses to offer experiential activities and unique products that cater to urban dwellers seeking rural experiences.

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