Cosplayers Day Jobs

Buzzfeed Reveals Identity of New York Comic Con Attendees

The New York Comic Con event brought out a lot of creative costumes, yet this cosplayers day jobs series shows a different side to the attendees. Posing alongside a pad of paper with their day jobs scrawled across it, Buzzfeed endeavored to reveal the secret identities of all of the 'superheroes.' A big no-no, in many people's books, it is nevertheless entertaining to see these cosplayers day jobs.

From psychologists to bankers and, of course, even a princess performer, there are a few surprising cosplayers day jobs. At least, when juxtaposed with the costumes put on display. Although full of Halloween inspiration, this playful photo series shows that at the end of the day, these events and occasions are simply a short escape from reality.
Trend Themes
1. Cosplay Diversity - Opportunities to showcase a diverse range of professions and lifestyles through cosplay, promoting inclusivity and representation.
2. Cosplay Career Branding - The integration of cosplay with professional branding, showcasing skills and personality traits that align with desired career paths.
3. Cosplay Entrepreneurship - Increased demand for custom-made cosplay costumes and accessories, leading to opportunities for entrepreneurs and small businesses to specialize in this market.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The intersection of cosplay and day jobs can appeal to entertainment industries for opportunities in creating characters or content based on real-life perspectives.
2. Fashion - Cosplay costumes can influence fashion trends and inspire new designs for themed clothing and accessories, leading to cross-industry collaboration and innovation.
3. Psychology - Psychological analysis of cosplay can lead to new research and understanding of identity formation and self-expression through dress-up and role-playing.

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