Pre-EMS Apparatuses

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COR First Response Cooling has the Capacity to Save Lives After Heart Attacks

Next to an automated external defibrillator, the COR First Response Cooling System would be the next essential apparatus for installation in fitness centers and public pools. The contraption is designed to cope with the deteriorating symptoms of a heart attack and deliver immediate treatment to victims who still have time to wait for paramedics to arrive.

Designed by Dan Allen in collaboration with Danielle Gerard, Rachel Austin and Brady Gentile, the COR First Response Cooling System is a 4-degree intravenous saline chiller. The technology is based on the known benefit of lowering the temperature of the body as a means to slow cell death following cardiac arrest. The implications of its use include reducing the risk of brain damage and increasing the chances of survival and recovery after seeking emergency medical attention.
Trend Themes
1. Automated External Defibrillators (aeds) - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Develop a portable and user-friendly AED that can be easily accessed and operated in public spaces.
2. Intravenous Saline Chillers - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Create a more efficient and compact intravenous saline chiller that can be easily used in emergency medical situations.
3. Mobile Healthcare Technology - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Develop mobile applications or devices that can provide real-time medical assistance and guidance during emergencies.
Industry Implications
1. Fitness Centers - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Integrate advanced cardiac care technologies like the COR First Response Cooling System into fitness centers as part of their emergency response protocols.
2. Public Pools - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Install the COR First Response Cooling System in public pools to provide immediate treatment for cardiac arrest victims until professional help arrives.
3. Emergency Medical Services - Opportunity for disruptive innovation: Explore the use of advanced cooling technologies like the COR First Response Cooling System in ambulances to enhance pre-hospital care for heart attack patients.

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